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Silver Sea Seafoods


Research indicates seafood contains between 10-100 times higher levels of Omegas 3's than beef, lamb, and chicken. King prawns are naturally high in Omega 3's and polyunsaturated fatty acids, niacin, iron, and zinc, which are proven to assist in brain function, healthy skin, and metabolism. Prawns are naturally high in protein, and are a great low calorie snack or meal option. 


The Australian Ocean king prawns are rich in flavour with a low to medium oiliness, moist flesh, and medium texture. Prawns are delicious steamed, poached, deep-fried, stir fried, grilled, or barbecued. Australian king prawns maintain their texture when cooked in curries or soups. Prawns can be marinated and cooked with the shell off, or marinated and cooked with the shell on to maximise flavour. 


The only additive used in our products is the Australian Government approved 223 preservative Sodium Metabisulphite. This ensures customers receive a product with a significantly longer shelf life once thawed. 


The F.V Kelana operates under both federal and statewide regulations to ensure ecological impacts are minimised, and promotes sustainability. The Kelana has turtle excluder devices (TED) on all its trawler gear, allowing the larger ocean going species to exit the nets prior to being pulled up. Bycatch reduction devices reduce the vessels bycatch, protecting the ocean and its life. 

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